2016 New Year Message from Club President Barry Magrill
As I look back on 2015 it has been a great year to be the El Presidente of the Evergreens, best rugby club there is. So many of us have stepped up in one way or another that I’d virtually have to name the entire club list in thanks and appreciation. I’m thankful for:
Tommy’s additions to the website. Mark’s advice. Brett’s advice about Mark’s advice and Scott’s expertise with money. Ronnie’s captancery and Chris’s advice about Mark and Brett’s advice. It’s been a successful year where everybody participated.
The Runs
We’ve had consistently awesome attendance on Wednesday evenings. The game moves faster, and skill levels have risen. Clearly "practice makes perfect" (or is it "form follows function” - either way) and so coming out to play on Wednesdays on a consistent basis has really made a big difference. Congrats to all. We even pulled off a real coo by running all the way through the holidays with great attendance.
Food has not been scarce.
We’ve had some great dinner nights, most notably Murray’s Mo-vember meal complete with menu. And we did a couple of terrific Appy Hours this month (December) alone. Thanks to everyone for pitching in.
The Neighbours
We hosted the winter season festival like pros and this continues to put us in a good light visa vie the rest of the league. We do have the best clubhouse there is so showing it off is a really great thing. Plus we have an awesome new flagpole thanks to Ben. And John and Nick have been doing a great job taking care of Brockton and making it all work. Thanks also to Jeannette and Yvette and English for making sure the beer continues to flow.
The Look
Looking good for 2016. A great club has members that look the part. Tony as always has done a great job of keeping us attired. And added to that we have Sonny providing inspiring Fiji attire. The first round of Fiji shirts sold out in less than 10 minutes. Round 2 coming soon. Plus, of course Mark arranged for eye-popping suits from Shinesty.com and it’s spreading to an epidemic. Many to choose from including the ever popular ‘The Jerry’.
The Gaze
Looking forward… we’ve got Sunday games starting up soon. We’ve had pretty good numbers showing up but there are times when it’s a struggle. If you haven’t made your New Year’s Resolution yet (or already broken it and need another one - darn that Glamour Magazine) let’s each resolve to play in or watch 2 Sunday games per month and e-mail Chris that you’re coming out (Murray, Tony, John, Jerry and Pita, and many others come out regularly to support the club on the sidelines and let’s not forget how much those of us who don’t know our positions need them - present coming included). Bring a friend out soothes can see what awesome Old Boys Rugby looks like.
The Travel
Touring. Fiji is not fat off. But in the meantime,
-we’re looking into Catalina Island (if they get over their fear of having us that is),
-and a large group is heading to Chicago for the NZ matchup next November
-and make sure you have your tickets for the 7s in March (but wearing The Jerry might make the doors part gratis, who knows)
-and there’s a plan to go up to Port Alberni in the summer so stay tuned
New Members and Guests
Lastly, new members and guests have been finding us through the website, and even on the field. Just last week Alex joined our run because he saw large numbers playing. After all, a riot always attracts a crowd but people run from a two-man duel, worried about the accuracy of the combatants' aim. So, bring out a friend this or any Wednesday.
A great year is behind us. Let’s make another one in 2016.
Tommy’s additions to the website. Mark’s advice. Brett’s advice about Mark’s advice and Scott’s expertise with money. Ronnie’s captancery and Chris’s advice about Mark and Brett’s advice. It’s been a successful year where everybody participated.
The Runs
We’ve had consistently awesome attendance on Wednesday evenings. The game moves faster, and skill levels have risen. Clearly "practice makes perfect" (or is it "form follows function” - either way) and so coming out to play on Wednesdays on a consistent basis has really made a big difference. Congrats to all. We even pulled off a real coo by running all the way through the holidays with great attendance.
Food has not been scarce.
We’ve had some great dinner nights, most notably Murray’s Mo-vember meal complete with menu. And we did a couple of terrific Appy Hours this month (December) alone. Thanks to everyone for pitching in.
The Neighbours
We hosted the winter season festival like pros and this continues to put us in a good light visa vie the rest of the league. We do have the best clubhouse there is so showing it off is a really great thing. Plus we have an awesome new flagpole thanks to Ben. And John and Nick have been doing a great job taking care of Brockton and making it all work. Thanks also to Jeannette and Yvette and English for making sure the beer continues to flow.
The Look
Looking good for 2016. A great club has members that look the part. Tony as always has done a great job of keeping us attired. And added to that we have Sonny providing inspiring Fiji attire. The first round of Fiji shirts sold out in less than 10 minutes. Round 2 coming soon. Plus, of course Mark arranged for eye-popping suits from Shinesty.com and it’s spreading to an epidemic. Many to choose from including the ever popular ‘The Jerry’.
The Gaze
Looking forward… we’ve got Sunday games starting up soon. We’ve had pretty good numbers showing up but there are times when it’s a struggle. If you haven’t made your New Year’s Resolution yet (or already broken it and need another one - darn that Glamour Magazine) let’s each resolve to play in or watch 2 Sunday games per month and e-mail Chris that you’re coming out (Murray, Tony, John, Jerry and Pita, and many others come out regularly to support the club on the sidelines and let’s not forget how much those of us who don’t know our positions need them - present coming included). Bring a friend out soothes can see what awesome Old Boys Rugby looks like.
The Travel
Touring. Fiji is not fat off. But in the meantime,
-we’re looking into Catalina Island (if they get over their fear of having us that is),
-and a large group is heading to Chicago for the NZ matchup next November
-and make sure you have your tickets for the 7s in March (but wearing The Jerry might make the doors part gratis, who knows)
-and there’s a plan to go up to Port Alberni in the summer so stay tuned
New Members and Guests
Lastly, new members and guests have been finding us through the website, and even on the field. Just last week Alex joined our run because he saw large numbers playing. After all, a riot always attracts a crowd but people run from a two-man duel, worried about the accuracy of the combatants' aim. So, bring out a friend this or any Wednesday.
A great year is behind us. Let’s make another one in 2016.