2018 Message from Club President Joel Peterson
Evergreens Rugby Club
State of the Onion Address
As I look forward to the next four years of my presidency I am optimistic of our future. Wednesday night attendance continues to grow and we’ve used this regular game of touch to bring in new members. There are actually very few Old Boys rugby clubs that run as consistently as we do, never missing a week. This year we ran during rain, ice, and even snow plus mud. Kudos to this hearty bunch of guys. In fact, one of our largest touch rugby turnouts this year was on Valentine’s Day, which may be more a statement about our relationship with our wives but that’s a story for another day.
We continue to grapple with numbers for some games on Sunday, but this year we filled in for other clubs more often than ever before. This has really improved the unity of our league, broke down the clan mentalities out there, and has given us the opportunity to learn from players and clubs other than our own.
New members: The Evergreens are attracting new and returning players and it has been terrific to welcome Ken Thomas, Matt Muselius, and Dallas Millard as fine additions who are fitting right in. Ken even went out and got an eye injury to follow the trend started by Scott earlier in the season. Remember boys… keep your eyes inside the vehicle at all times.
We held some great events this year including our world famous chili contest, Pioneers Night, and our wonderful Christmas Dinner that had a packed house.
None of these events would be possible without stellar volunteers, to which I owe a debt of gratitude. Tony Gillis is indispensable as quartermaster and edibles procurer, and cook. Chef duties from Jerry and Pita have been an added treat that we cannot do without. Joan’s kids continue to come down in the summer to be entertained by us because of our legendary skills with the dropped ball. Ronnie’s work on the BBQ for that and many other events is very appreciated.
The organization of the club would not be possible without a fantastic exec including Brett B2 Smith (club captain), Scott Suffolk (treasurer), and Chris Mant (VP). Special thanks to my past president Barry Magrill whose knowledge of the club and its history has been a great source of comfort for me.
To the future I say…. WE ARE GOING TO ARGENTINA!
The club is taking a very excited group of 30 people and about 20 players to South America. This tour would not be possible without the hard work of many people chief among them Brett (B1) Hay. He’s put together an awesome itinerary and booked us into the most excellent hotels, bars, pubs, shows, and more. For 12 days we will eat nothing but meat. 3 games of rugby and 114 craft beers = awesome tour. Fundraising by a host of club members from Paddy (120) O’Gorman, Tere (The Ace) Blake, and Ben The Laughing Logger have helped the club immensely. At last count over $5000 was raised by the club towards this tour. That’s pretty impressive. This was only possible because of our dedicated club members turning up regularly and participating in these events.
Evergreen Rugby is a great club. Open, welcoming, and fun. The social side of our club outshines our considerable skill on the field. I look forward to building this great club with you. Going forward there’s an effort to improve our field play which is really exciting.
We are here and we are thriving. See you on the field!
Joel "El Jefe" Peterson
August 2018
State of the Onion Address
As I look forward to the next four years of my presidency I am optimistic of our future. Wednesday night attendance continues to grow and we’ve used this regular game of touch to bring in new members. There are actually very few Old Boys rugby clubs that run as consistently as we do, never missing a week. This year we ran during rain, ice, and even snow plus mud. Kudos to this hearty bunch of guys. In fact, one of our largest touch rugby turnouts this year was on Valentine’s Day, which may be more a statement about our relationship with our wives but that’s a story for another day.
We continue to grapple with numbers for some games on Sunday, but this year we filled in for other clubs more often than ever before. This has really improved the unity of our league, broke down the clan mentalities out there, and has given us the opportunity to learn from players and clubs other than our own.
New members: The Evergreens are attracting new and returning players and it has been terrific to welcome Ken Thomas, Matt Muselius, and Dallas Millard as fine additions who are fitting right in. Ken even went out and got an eye injury to follow the trend started by Scott earlier in the season. Remember boys… keep your eyes inside the vehicle at all times.
We held some great events this year including our world famous chili contest, Pioneers Night, and our wonderful Christmas Dinner that had a packed house.
None of these events would be possible without stellar volunteers, to which I owe a debt of gratitude. Tony Gillis is indispensable as quartermaster and edibles procurer, and cook. Chef duties from Jerry and Pita have been an added treat that we cannot do without. Joan’s kids continue to come down in the summer to be entertained by us because of our legendary skills with the dropped ball. Ronnie’s work on the BBQ for that and many other events is very appreciated.
The organization of the club would not be possible without a fantastic exec including Brett B2 Smith (club captain), Scott Suffolk (treasurer), and Chris Mant (VP). Special thanks to my past president Barry Magrill whose knowledge of the club and its history has been a great source of comfort for me.
To the future I say…. WE ARE GOING TO ARGENTINA!
The club is taking a very excited group of 30 people and about 20 players to South America. This tour would not be possible without the hard work of many people chief among them Brett (B1) Hay. He’s put together an awesome itinerary and booked us into the most excellent hotels, bars, pubs, shows, and more. For 12 days we will eat nothing but meat. 3 games of rugby and 114 craft beers = awesome tour. Fundraising by a host of club members from Paddy (120) O’Gorman, Tere (The Ace) Blake, and Ben The Laughing Logger have helped the club immensely. At last count over $5000 was raised by the club towards this tour. That’s pretty impressive. This was only possible because of our dedicated club members turning up regularly and participating in these events.
Evergreen Rugby is a great club. Open, welcoming, and fun. The social side of our club outshines our considerable skill on the field. I look forward to building this great club with you. Going forward there’s an effort to improve our field play which is really exciting.
We are here and we are thriving. See you on the field!
Joel "El Jefe" Peterson
August 2018